Inspection and Certification INDEPENDENT COMPETENT PERSON


Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has permitted self-certification and third party inspection and certification of boilers with State Governments. Specimen notifications under section-34(3) of the Boilers Act 1923 have been forwarded to them to ensure safety of boilers and improve Ease of Doing Business (EoDB). This will benefit a broad spectrum of industries both in the large and small scale sector like power plants, chemical plans, refineries, paper plants, steel mills, sugar mills and other process industries. 


Rules and regulations are already in place for third party inspection. This has resulted in a simplified and more accessible, user - friendly framework for the administration of the Boilers Act and has also protected manufacturers/users' interests without sacrificing the safety of boilers. 

DPIIT has also taken a number of measures to simplify the procedure of inspection of boilers like third party inspecting authorities have been recognized by the Central Boilers Board (CBB) to work in the country employing competent persons to carry out inspection of boilers and boiler components during manufacture and use, in addition to Chief Inspector/ Director of Boilers.

 Independent Competent Persons have also been authorized to work in individual capacity under section-8 of the Boilers Act, for in-service inspection of boilers.
The Central Boilers Board (CBB) has been authorized us as Independent Competent Persons to carry out inspection of boilers and boiler components during use, in addition to Chief Inspector/ Director of Boilers. On request of the owner of the Boilers We shall perform the Inspection and Certification task without interest of conflict.